Appraisals are opinions of value completed by professional and experienced individuals who have competency within clearly identified markets. Appraisers provide their expert advice in identifying the problem and formally present their opinions to their clients by way of an oral or certified written appraisal report. Appraisal reports are typically completed for a specific purpose and intended use.
Evaluations are estimates of value completed by individuals who are not appraisers or by an automated valuation system. Evaluations are generally an approximate calculation or judgement of value, relative to an identified market segment.
Collateral data collection is the process of inventorying a real estate asset, either by an appraiser, a property owner, or a recognized third party for the purpose of completing an appraisal or evaluation report. Collateral data collection is generally required by lenders and insurers to satisfy regulatory, underwriting, or risk analysis requirements.
Valuation Reviews are formal expressions of judgement or expert advice related to a previous Appraisal or Evaluation. Valuation Reviews are completed by qualified professionals to verify the legitimacy of the original opinion or estimate of value provided. Valuation Reviews may or may not include a numerically expressed opinion of value itself.
Below is the complete list of Services that Great West Appraisal can provide for property owners, banks, credit unions, private lenders, mortgage brokers, law firms, and property insurers for a variety of purposes:
We provide residential appraisal services, valuation reviews, and valuation inspections for the following purposes:
Canadian Rockies Appraisal and Kicking Horse Appraisals are divisions of
Great West Appraisal Inc.